Part suspense thriller, part magic act, and part instructional seminar, Major Bang is a dark and comic take on our new era of global (in)security. Sprung from the contents of a backpack left on the subway, the piece samples Kubrick’s Dr. Strangelove and the true story of David Hahn, a boy scout who built a nuclear reactor in his parents’ garage to earn his Atomic Energy Badge. The result is a 75-minute ride through 21st century concepts of fear— both real and manufactured.
2006 : St. Ann’s Warehouse, Brooklyn
Written by Kirk Lynn
Directed by Paul Lazar
Steve Cuiffo
Maggie Hoffman
Lights: David Moodey
Costumes: Wendy Meiling Yang
Sound: Raul Vincent Enriquez
Projections: Marilys Ernst
Magic Consultant: The Amazing Russello
Magic Assistants: James Kroner & Bob Saita
Production Stage Manager Jill Beckman

They tried to scare us but it didn’t work. And the way it ended was we took all the cars and planes and unattended bags, everything they had made dangerous, and we put them out of reach by turning them into jokes and stories, stories that hopefully include everyone who didn’t get to see enlightenment’s victory, which for all we know might just include ourselves. – Excerpt from Major Bang

“Major Bang proves that laughter in the dark need not be desperate. This Foundry production is surely the happiest show to have been inspired by the horrors of 9/11.” –The New York Times
“…simple human connection may be our best weapon against what might otherwise smother us, Major Bang has nothing to terrorize but terror itself.” –TimeOut NY
The Wexner Center, Columbus, OH