yousaywhatImeanbutwhatyoumeanisnotwhatIsaid is Hot Mouth’s post-modern oratorio for a cappella voices. Fusing Yoruba chants with jazz, field hollers with funk, infectious harmonies and intoxicating rhythms, this wildly theatrical, sometimes satirical performance explodes contemporary considerations of identity, race and our confounding attempts at communication.
Jan 1997 : CSC Theatre, NYC
Apr 1996 : Workshop production, The Ohio Theater
Created / Composed
by Grisha Coleman
w. Additional Lyrics by
Viola Sheehy
Directed by
Talvin Wilks
Performed by:
Grisha Coleman
David Thomson
Helga Davis
Ching Gonzalez
Ezra Knight
Lighting design: Kevin Adams
Costume design: Kaye Voyce
Sound design: Barry Wolifson
Press Representative: James L.L. Morrison
Welcome to Hot Mouth. Extended shout out to the generations of Hot Mouths who’ve come before us and those still to come.” – Grisha Coleman
“An Open Letter to George C. Wolfe … you might call this a 911 call … when an extraordinary piece of theater has to close after a month’s run … there’s a strong impulse in ‘you say what i mean’ – a communal urge to bring together, to nurture and protect … whatever it is, it moves us to our bones. So, Mr. Wolfe, ‘bring in da Mouth.’ Please. NY Newsday
“Something special awaits the adventurous theatergoer …this gifted ensemble pushes the boundaries of theater.” The New York Times
Drama Desk nominee for “Most Original Theatrical Experience”
Below are clips from the 1996 workshop production at the Ohio Theatre,
with the original company, including Jonathan Stone and Viola Sheehy.
On Tour
Center Stage, Baltimore, MD
2 weeks