Composer/performer Gideon Irving is a 21st century troubadour. He has performed his shows across the world in peoples’ homes. Staying with his hosts along the way, he builds his tours through connections made for him by audience members who recommend friends and places for him to play next. His songs and stories grow out of these experiences of the remarkable diversity of people he has met and the irreplaceable intimacy of live performance. With dozens of instruments, haunting and hilarious tales of his travels, and an unforgettable singing voice, Gideon’s musical home shows remind us of what is timeless about sharing time together.
Created By
Gideon IrvingDirected by
Melanie JosephPerformed By
Gideon IrvingDramaturg:
Kate AttwellLead Producer:
Katherine Brook2015 : 45 Homes across the 5 boroughs of NYC
Written, Composed and Performed by Gideon Irving
Created with Melanie Joseph & Kate Atwell
Lighting, Scenic and Costume Design:
Adam Rigg
Stage Manager:
Jane Pole
Raky Sastri
Production Interns:
Esther Ko
Tyler Thomas
Davis Leonard
“Gideon Irving’s Living Here: a map of songs bursts with a boundless desire to explore the expanses of the globe and befriend the singular characters who inhabit it.” – Timeout NY
“[Irving] unleashes a huge singing voice, a flexible amalgam of cantorial, operatic, and folk-rock styles.” – The New Yorker