
O, Earth


Portia DeRossi stares into the soft light of her refrigerator and wonders if she’ll ever be truly happy; Our Town’s Emily and George venture into the unknown; Thornton Wilder digs in search of a time capsule he buried under the stage long ago; Activists Marsha P. Johnson and Sylvia Rivera are jettisoned from the world of the dead, curious to discover what’s happened in the world they left.  O, Earth floods the stage with a panorama of characters from gay popular culture, theatre history, and radical New York City, to ask how we live in this world — as ourselves and in communion with one another. Inspired by Wilder’s Our Town, Casey Llewellyn’s epic play interrogates the “universal” and the boundless possibilities within everyone, every day.


Written By
Casey Llewellyn
Directed By
Dustin Wills
Kate Attwell
Lead Producers:
Kate Attwell & Katherine Brook


2016: HERE Arts Center



Written by Casey Llewellyn
Directed by Dustin Wills
Dramaturg: Kate Attwell

Moe Angelos
Jess Barbagallo
Ato Blankson-Wood
Julienne “Mizz June” Brown
Emily Davis
Cecilia Gentili
Donnetta Lavinia Grays
Tommy Heleringer
Martin Moran
Kristen Sieh

Set: Adam Rigg
Costumes: Montana Blanco
Lights: Barbara Samuels
Sound: Janie Bullard
Props & Puppets: Raphael Mishner

Stage Manager: Nicole Marconi
Assistant Stage Manager: Andrea Jess Berkey



“... an absolute avalanche of lovely things …confident, lyrical, hilarious, unabashedly literate and unapologetically political …What a thrill it is to see a show that reaches out to Wilder’s genius – and actually touches it.  O, Theater, I thought. O, Show.”  TimeOut NY

“Sparkling, poignant and funny…  O, Earth answers the fear with capacious sympathy and the certainty that sexuality – like race, like gender – should shut no one’s experience out of the stories we tell.  The New York Times
“Llewellyn crowds the stage with icons from decades of queer history — everyone left out of Grover’s Corners, from TV icons to heroes of the Stonewall uprising ..O Earth is generous, ambitious, and fundamentally humane … “  
The Village Voice