Born in 1579 on Aldersgate Street, died of dropsy on Fleet Street 1650, the notorious Moll Cutpurse was both a pickpocket and an expert fencer, a cross dresser and self-proclaimed “governess of the underworld.” In her cheeky, quick-witted adaptation of the original Jacobean citizen play, Alice Tuan brings Moll into the 21st century, a world where the days of the week have corporate sponsors, free speech costs a fortune, beauty is mandatory and theatre has been declared illegal. Against this backdrop, Moll will stage a performance of her forbidden “Show of Shows,” rallying her fellow citizens into a roar against the imperiousness of the day.
2004 : Baruch College Performing Arts Center
Written by: Alice Tuan
Directed by: Melanie Joseph
Choreographed by: David Neumann
Produced by: Bonnie Metzgar
Okwui Okpokwasili
Michael Urie
Jodi Lin
John Epperson
Steven Rattazzi
Douglas Rees
Marissa Copeland
Andrew McGinn
Rebecka Ray
Steve Cuiffo
Clove Gallilee
Harry Hogan
Michael Huston
Michael Caban
Set Design: Louisa Thompson
Lighting Design: Natasha Katz
Costume Design: Doey Luethi
Sound Designer: Jill Duboff
Production Stage Manager: Jane Pole
Casting by: Heidi Griffiths
“A smart, cutting adaptation … so much spice, it seems exotic.” The New York Times
“A lively playful intelligence energizes the Roaring Girle.” New York Newsday